Call center services
It’s a success when customers are enthusiastic. One of the most important factors in this is customer service. If you do not have the time or opportunity to take care of yourself, our call center services do this. Put your focus on sales, we take care about your customers’ concerns.
Call Center
External customer service
Inbound call center
Outbound call center

Call & Contact Center
Customer service is the be-all and end-all of a successful website. At our Call and Contact Center, reliable support experts take care of your customer emails and calls. Whether as a vacation replacement or long-term external customer service: You can count on our services.
External customer service
At parcellino, we want to make our customers’ customers happy. The key to this is communication. If we are your external customer service point, that makes us your external representative. And while our contact center lets you shine, you have more time for your core business.

Inbound call center
“Hello and welcome, what can we do for you?” Maybe answer your calls? Manage exchanges with your customers and check emails? At the inbound call center, it means we do precisely that. On your behalf and with a great deal of commitment. We are available for your customers, take inquiries, orders and complaints and support them with all their concerns. Call center inbound is probably the most important customer service touchpoint.
Outbound call center
The call center naturally works in the other direction as well: We pick up the phone, make purchases for you, ask questions and regain customers. Experienced customer experts are at your service at our call center. And the best thing is: you are not tied to any specific location; you can put your mobile phone aside and work in peace.